Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

Coudy News

Late Breaking News for Coudersport and Northcentral PA

Attorney General Tom Corbett to Visit Coudersport This Saturday

1 min read

COUDERSPORT – Pennsylvania’s Attorney General and the Republican nominee for the Pennsylvania Gubernatorial race, Tom Corbett, will be visiting Coudersport this Saturday, August 14.

Corbett will take a walk along Main Street beginning at 9:30 am and then will move on to the courthouse square gazebo for a meet and greet session.

Coudersport rarely sees such big name politicians.

Everyone should come out to meet the PA Attorney General.

1 thought on “Attorney General Tom Corbett to Visit Coudersport This Saturday

  1. I’m sure he’ll gain total insight from his 30 minute stroll down main st followed of course by the obligatory meet and greet.

    Why do we fawn all over our public servants as if they are some kind of royalty?

    Maybe if we touch their coat some of it will rub off on us?

    Until we can hold them personally and criminally liable for their promises to lower taxes, bring jobs to the area, take the burden off of small businesses and all the empty promises it matters little.

    Either party is the same, one just goes slower than the other.

    I work more than I used too.
    I make less than I used too
    I fill out more forms than I used too.
    I am exposed to more bureaucratic instituted liability then ever
    I pay more taxes than ever
    My dollar is worth less than it ever has been

    And they want me to take time off from my life to come see another political schmuck and tell him my concerns?

    No Thanks. For those with better things to do here is the summary ahead of time.

    Walk down main st will be in a shirt and tie, collar open at the neck for the purpose of looking like one of us working stiffs,sport coat folded over arm or possibly the radical Polo shirt option, but it is weather dependent.

    Handshaking and waving will prevail as will an intent look of concern and the occasion question of something along the lines of “what would you like to see happen in this town”

    Topics and conversation will include:

    1.lower taxes

    2.more jobs & better paying jobs values

    4.keeping us safe from the big T

    5.supporting the troops

    6.clean water & air

    7.responsible drilling revenue from the gas industry and oversight, road repair

    9.hunting & fishing if is aides have done their homework

    10.a smattering about the Pa wilds

    11.Grants,Loans & paperwork in County government courtesy of the 3musketeers

    12. state forest land,logging,gas, revenue etc

    Practice your bow and curtsey, as you have convinced yourself the king is coming.

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