Sat. Mar 1st, 2025

Coudy News

Late Breaking News for Coudersport and Northcentral PA

BREAKING: Eldred Teen was Shot to Death, 3 Arrested for Murder

1 min read

Coudersport teen, Austin man, juvenile charged with murder

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POTTER COUNTY – Police have arrested and charged three people with homicide in connection to the death of 18-year-old Samuel E. Miller, of Eldred.

Miller, who police say died from several gunshot wounds, was found dead in the Prouty Run Creek two days ago.

Arrested and charged in connection to the shooting death of Miller was; Jonothan Edward Prather, age 19, of 1 Niles Hill Road, Coudersport, PA; Avery Earl Buckingham, age 25, of 26 Stiner Street, Austin, PA; and an unidentified 15-year-old juvenile.

Authorities say an extensive investigation by State Police and Potter County District Attorney Andy Watson determined the above three to be responsible for Miller’s murder.

All three were taken into custody by police without incident.

Officials say charges are in the process of being completed. Both Prather and Buckingham will be arraigned in District Judge Annette Easton’s courtroom this morning, at which point they will be charged with criminal homicide and related offenses.

The unidentified teenager has been committed to a juvenile facility pending further court proceedings.

22 thoughts on “BREAKING: Eldred Teen was Shot to Death, 3 Arrested for Murder

  1. What is happening to God’s Country? What are these kids doing? Is there anything here to keep them busy and out of trouble? Get a job, some may say, but where? This town (Coudersport) needs to develope some kind of program to keep these kids productive and not destructive. Get them off the streets and doing something. Even if it is pick up baseball, football, some place to ride bikes or skateboards (besides the sidewalks). I am sure if you build it (or offer it) they will come.

  2. There was at one time a program that helped these kids stay occupied throughout the summer months. The Trailblazers took at risk and already troubled kids and gave them a job and some confidence. With recent budget cuts things like this have been cut and downsized in the last few years. I would say forget the government funding. It’s now up to the people who live there to step up and say enough is enough let’s do something to help these kids.

  3. I fully agree with “Concerned Parent” there is nothing to do in Potter County anymore whether its Austin, Coudersport, Shinglehouse…etc. Teenagers need a place to go, have fun, talk with friends, and have different activities to do that will keep them out of trouble! Most teenagers get into trouble just for something to do honestly. Sure we cant stop all the criminals out there but we can do our best to keep this place known as Gods Country

  4. I understand that there is not alot to do in Potter County but i was born and Raised there. We as kids always found something to do. But these kids now days dont have to do that. They can sit in the house and play games. My parents used to go out and play with us to keep us entertained. Also we had alot of friends that also played Football, Softball, Basketball & Kick the can. Also the community had a cookout on sunday and we always had games for us. Would like to see more parents be a part of the kids lives as well. Dont blame the Community for not having anything for the kids It all starts at home.

  5. 25 year old – 19 year old – What “community” thing are we going to create for that age group? These were not kids, they were adults. What we need to do is stop the out of control drug abuse of perscription drugs and get rid of all the dealers and houses that these “adults” party at.

  6. AMEN!!!!!!Everyone is so quick to blame the Community.It is the community’s fault that these adults turned out. I think that i turned out pretty good for being raised in Ulysses. And there is nothing there. At least some of the towns have a movie theater. SO now who are you going to blame they are adult for the most part? The 15 years old should have got his butt beat then maybe he would not act like this. But parents dont do that anymore.

  7. Look, I just graduated from Coudersport JSHS.. I’m not what you call a good kid, I’m more of an outcast. But to be frank with you I’ve never gotten in trouble in my life. I have no friends and nothing to do but I’m not stupid. I don’t want to go out and get in trouble. My brother is in jail right now (he’s not one of these people) so it’s not like I haven’t seen things, heard things, or experienced things. But yet look at me, I’m a high school graduate whose never been introuble. I don’t live with my parents so it’s not like they would care.. But I still don’t do bad shit.. Wanna know why? BECAUSE YOU CAN ONLY BLAME THE PERSON RESPONSIBLE! I chose not to get in trouble because I’m not an idiot. Yes, the surroundings may make it more difficult for kids, but hello! A lot of people are in the same situation, same places, and still never do shit wrong like that.

  8. Just sayin, when john rigas was here, this bs wasn’t here bcuz it was known it wasn’t welcome.. if the jackass that decided to rat him becuz he couldn’t give him money, wouldn’t have been such a douche, this type of behavior couldn’t be round here.. the community was more civilized.! Point blank.. now the scum riff raff are allowed to run rampid, and the police are part to blame for this shit too.. if they, along with PARENTS, couldn’t allow their children to do as THEY pleased, and actually disciplined and set expectations for their children, it would be different here.! And video games my ass.. if a parent distilled a BIT of common sense in these kids dumb asses, this would not be an issue either.. but everyone cries to child services becuz YELLING or DISCIPLINING a child is “wrong” now.. ridiculous bs.!

  9. I think that we need to stop spending our money to make a freaking fast food reseraunt all fancy. And maybe try fixing up our parks. Carp park is falling apart. The swings are breaking and falling apart, it’s not even fun to hang out at anymore. And all that gets done is McDonalds gets fixed up.

    R.I.P Sam<3

  10. Not only do I blame the parents of these kids, I blame the local cops in all these towns involved. You cant tell me that they dont know what is going on in these towns and who is suppling the drugs to our kids. I know several parents who have gone to the local cops with info about adults selling drugs and having drug parties in their homes for the kids. They get treated like they are the criminal or how dare they waste the local donut boys time. When parents have no where to turn for assistance, what does that say for the community? This kinda of stuff use to be taken seriously now it seems like it is just accepted until… some one dies!! Then it is the talk of the towns (s). It is to late then to do a damn thing about it but god forbid they take steps to try to keep another kid from dying.

  11. My kids knew Sam well and are devastated! I hope that justice is served!!!! He was a good kid who had some family problems but he had many friends who loved him!!! In reality we can place the blame on the community, parents etc… but the blame truly lies with the ppl who did it!!!! I had a f***ed up childhood but I never would hurt another human being and be so ruthless…this was a premeditated act and I hope that justice is served

  12. My son is Sam”s best friend.From the frist years of school. Sam was involved in our family off and on throughout his life.And yes through the years they have went their seperate ways and chose different paths to follow.But they always remained friends.Sam was a good young man his heart and soul were good.and it is hard for children out there in this world with pressure from other people and other children.All I want to say also don’t judge Sam by his cover. He just graduated and yes was planning on going on to colleg. Planning a future with family and friends.His life was just beginning it shouldn’t of been taken from him,.his family is a good caring family. His mother and gradparents are good people/ We have to remember For every choice we make there is consequences that follows and some are good and some are not. But we all have our free agency and are responcible for our own actions,Sam was taken from us and justice will be done it might not seem to come in this world but it will come, My prayers go out to Sams family.

  13. my son joshua and sam are best friends sam was always at my house up late on the computer and late sleeping in till he would smell food cooking i always laugh at sam ask where he puts all the food he eats he would say mom im a growen boy and still growimg sam has a special place in my heart as my son he called me mom we took him out to dinner momarial day weekend a sat he was so happy full of life im going to miss him deeply we love u sam

  14. I had the pleasure of meeting Sam a few month ago. My daughter was going to take him to prom. He seemed like a very nice boy. My daughter is devistated. My heart and prayers go out to sam and his family. No parent should have to deal with their childs death. Especially this way.

  15. This was a horrible tragic event that cannot be undone. Instead of passing judgement or placing the blame on others of what is wrong with our society and/or community, ask yourselves “what can I do to make this a better place”? Then take action.

  16. i dont understand why someone would do that to sam! he was a great friend whos always been there for me no matter what like i was there for him. yeah he had some problems but what kid dont. if there was to be a fight like the one wanted why couldnt he just fight instead of being a coward and shoting him. prob cuz he knew that he wouldnt be able to win against him cuz sam was a scrapper and could kick anyones a*s with out a wepon! i hope he haunts u 3 so much that u end up going insane for this bs! ull always be missed and loved forever an always us shroom stamps stick together! =D

  17. Us parents need to quit spending so much time on here casting blame. Its done and over with . Sam will be missed by us as well , but casting blame wont bring him back. We need to look on into the future and do something that is at hand . The police obviously arent doing anything about the drugs on the street so its time for us parents to do it our selves.

  18. Teen pregnancy and drug addiction happens because they don’t have anything better to do. There’s no rec. center or after school/summer program that’s gonna keep sociopathic teens from committing violent crimes, it’s just part of who they are. How are you gonna change the very fabric of their being? If you think living in a rural area will keep you safe from those kinds of people, think again. There’s teens in Potter County trying to start their own gangs, others talk during studyhall about doing their own “Collumbine”, etc. I went to Coudersport Jr/Sr and Oswayo Valley. It wasn’t that long ago when I was in high school, so I know what goes on.

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