Sat. Mar 1st, 2025

Coudy News

Late Breaking News for Coudersport and Northcentral PA

CoudyNews Welcomes our new Weekly Columnist

2 min read

Beginning today, will be publishing a weekly Guest Editorial by Midge Houghtaling.

Midge is the mother of seven children, and seven grandchildren. Formerly employed by Adelphia Communications, she has been published in Christian Women Today and The Palestine Chronicle. Titled ‘Half a Notion’, Midge’s column will cover life in our rural community. Discussion and respectful debate following Midge’s columns are encouraged. Welcome to CoudyNews, Midge!

Half a Notion
by Midge Houghtaling

To launch a weekly editorial one first needs to decide on a title.  After tossing around several not-so-great ideas (wasting an otherwise wonderful morning) I decided to take a step back and for gosh-sake… keep it simple.

According to my thesaurus, “notion” has the same meaning as the word “viewpoint.”  And even though Coudy News and I are not exactly sure where we will go with this, we are almost sure that it will contain viewpoints, alias notions or parts of notions.  My internet search of the phrase “half a notion” revealed that it means, in general terms: “to have almost decided to do something.”  Perfect.

Until further notice, you’ll find me here each week—I’ll be coming at you from Coudersport, with my notions about the things in this town and the things in this world that surprise me, annoy me, scare the hell out of me and keep me awake at night… all without forgetting the things that inspire me, make me smile and give me the courage to get out of bed every morning.

You might as well know that I am not always politically correct, but I strive to be fair.  We welcome your comments, suggestions and opposing viewpoints.  If things start heating up around here, I do have other options—I have half a notion to move to Orlando.

1 thought on “CoudyNews Welcomes our new Weekly Columnist

  1. Hey Midge — Wow a column by Midge Houghtaling .. with your opinions – as a friend I look forward to the talks which I love your opinions — but since life has gotten in the way — and we havn’t talked much at all for a long time – I suppose I won’t be offended that I need to share your opinions with others — In fact I’m just going to look forward to reading them myself. Love Barbara Jean

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