John Rigas Exonerated of Tax Evasion Charges
1 min read
John Rigas
Editor’s Note: Some have assumed that John and his son will soon be released because of the government’s withdraw of further charges. This is not the case. John still has 7 years to serve on his original sentence, and Tim has at least another 11 years to serve. The tax evasion charges being dropped has in no way decreased their current sentences. These were simply 6-year-old charges that the government finally decided to drop.

WILLIAMSPORT – The federal government on Wednesday withdrew charges of tax evasion previously lodged against Adelphia founder John Rigas and his son Timothy.
According to a report by The Patriot-News, prosecutors said, “it wasn’t worth pursuing the case because it was unlikely the Rigases would get substantial additional prison time, and it would be difficult to collect restitution.”
John is now 87 years old. His son Tim is 55. John has seven more years to serve on his original sentence and Tim isn’t expected to be released until after 2022.
A civil suit against the Rigases is still being pursued by the IRS.