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Know Your Candidates

3 min read

With the 2010 election just weeks away, the players involved are scurrying for every last vote. How much do you know about the candidates?


Current Pennsylvania Governor Edward ‘Fast Eddy’ Rendell is term-limited and leaves office after serving two consecutive terms. Current Lieutenant Governor Joe Scarnati, who replaced Catherine Knoll in 2008, also leaves office for retirement.

On the ballot this November 2nd for the position of Pennsylvania’s next Governor:

Tom Corbett – Republican

60-years-old. Current PA Attorney General and ex-US Attorney. Served in the Pennsylvania National Guard and worked briefly as a civics teacher.

Corbett signed a no new tax pledge (although his campaign has re-worded statements he previously made to possibly include ‘fees’). Corbett says he intends to reduce State Government and supports eliminating per-diems and privileges for legislators. He also supports localized management of school districts, and says he supports scaling back government control over healthcare and intends to decrease medical liability for physicians. Corbett also says he would increase support for the Dept. of Agriculture to increase farming productivity in Pennsylvania.

Corbett has been endorsed by the PA State Troopers, Fraternal Order of Police, the National Federation of Independent Small Businesses, the PA Restaurant Assoc. and the PA Pharmacists Assoc.

Corbett has also been dubbed as the Gas Industry’s candidate.

RunningmateJim Cawley (R) – Bucks County Commissioner, Attorney and Ex-State College Republicans Chair.

According to Rasmussen (Oct. 2), Corbett currently holds a 12-point lead over Onorato with 53% of the projected vote*.

Visit Corbett’s website here.

Dan Onorato – Democrat

49-years-old. Current Allegheny County Executive, Ex-Allegheny County Controller & Ex-Pittsburgh City Councilman.

Onorato says he intends to reform Pennsylvania’s Government and make it more efficient. He also says he will increase tech-industry jobs within the state. Onorato is for a Severance Tax on Natural Gas Drilling in Pennsylvania similar to those found in other states. He says he will focus on high quality jobs and intends to boost investments in research institutions. He also supports reducing corporate business taxes and simplifying regulatory agency oversight.

Onorato has also said he intends to take an aggressive stance on Harrisburg, implementing an ethics agenda to cut government waste. He also supports investments in green energy and organic agriculture.

Onorato has been endorsed by groups such as the Pennsylvania State Education Assoc. and the Pennsylvania Conference of Teamsters. Former US President Bill Clinton has campaigned for Onorato as well as US Representative Patrick Murphy.

RunningmateScott Conklin (D) – State Representative, Ex-Centre County Commissioner, Businessman, Carepentar and 2001 US Representative Nominee.

According to Rasmussen (Oct. 2), Onorato is currently behind 12 points in the polls, with 41% of the projected vote*.

Visit Onorato’s website here.


Write-In Candidates

Brian Nevins – (Socialist Workers/Write-In) Communist Political Organizer with no designated runningmate

George Donald “Don” DeHaven – (Write-In) Citizens Militia Activist with no designated runningmate

Robert Allen Mansfield – (Independent) Retired US Army – Data unavailable

Marakay Rogers – (Libertarian & Gay Activist) – Bid withdrawn upon pressure from GOP

Richard Gordon – (Independent) – Bid withdrawn

*Some political analysts this year say the polls are not nearly as accurate as they normally would be, citing the Tea Party movement and uncertainty about voter turnout as leading causes of unpredictability.

Information obtained from candidates’ publications, Rasmussen, and historical data.

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