Sun. Dec 22nd, 2024

Coudy News

Late Breaking News for Coudersport and Northcentral PA

Meeting Tonight for Austin Dam Plan

2 min read

The Borough of Austin, in partnership with the Austin Dam Memorial Association, will host a Public Input Session on Thursday, July 1, 2010 – 6:00 pm, at the Austin Volunteer Fire Department, 42 Main Street, Austin, PA  16720.

“We want residents of the Austin Borough and surrounding area to share their thoughts and ideas on how to enhance the appeal of the Borough and Austin Dam Memorial Park as an attraction within the PA Wilds,” said David Brooks, of the Potter County Visitors Association.  “Among other items, we will talk about the Austin Dam and Bayless Pulp and Papermill ruins and what might be done to interpret the history, environment and cultural aspects of these features that mean so much to the community.” 

Brooks notes, “Austin was known internationally due to the failure of the dam, and the loss of life, in 1911.  It’s time we put Austin back on the map in a positive way that attracts visitors and tourists to our town and park.  We have an opportunity not only to expand recreation opportunities, but we also have opportunities to capitalize on the economic development potential of visitors coming into town.”

This is the first of two public input sessions being held during the master planning process for the park.  A second meeting will be held in the Fall.  At that meeting, recommendations developed through the planning process will be presented to the community.

The master plan is being funded through grants from the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources and the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development.  The plan is being prepared by Pashek Associates, a Landscape Architecture and Community Planning Firm located in Pittsburgh.

David Brooks, Executive Director

Potter County Visitors Association


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