National Gas Resource Center
1 min read
The Coudersport Rotary Club recently heard a presentation on the National Gas Resource Center from Bob Veilleux, left. At right is Club member Judge Steve Minor.
The Coudersport Rotary Club heard a presentation from Bob Veilleux recently on the Natural Gas Resource Center, which evolved from the Potter County Natural Gas Task Force.
The Resource Center was developed by various workgroups to deal with issues pertaining to Marcellus Shale drilling. ShaleNet is a training provider for employment in the gas industry, and Seneca Highlands houses the training programs.
The Resource Center holds one meeting per quarter and hears presentations on topics such as Natural Gas Vehicle Conversions, Wastewater Management and Air Quality.
The Resource Center’s Website can be found at The Website provides information to help residents and businesses, and can link local businesses with drilling companies. The site also contains locations on maps of where wells are located, and also features permit and spud information. The Website also features information such as news articles and a calendar of events.
Veilleux pointed out there is less drilling activity currently taking place in Potter County, and the heaviest activity is located in Tioga and Bradford counties.
The Natural Gas Resource Center can be found on the Internet at and can be reached via phone at 814-260-5625.