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Coudy News

Late Breaking News for Coudersport and Northcentral PA

New Electronics Recycling Law Kicks In Jan. 24

2 min read

recycle_electronicsPotter County Solid Waste Authority (SWA) has established an electronic recycling program, in partnership with a Bedford company that’s licensed and certified by the Pa. Dept. of Environmental Protection. This program is in its early stages and SWA is still working on arrangements. At this point, computers, televisions and cell phones are being accepted at no charge. They must be clean and separated from regular trash. These may be brought to the recycling section of the SWA transfer station in Gold Monday through Friday from 8 am to 3 pm. Recycling of these items is not available on Saturdays.

State environmental officials are advising Pennsylvanians about the Covered Devices Recycling Act, which makes it illegal to dispose of computers, televisions and computer-related devices with other solid waste, effective Jan. 24, 2013. Purpose of the act is to end the environmentally harmful disposal of hazardous chemicals found in those devices. The new law requires television and computer manufacturers to come up with new opportunities for consumers to recycle electronics (”e-waste”). Retailers must sell only devices that are registered with the state and must display in stores how consumers can recycle devices. Manufacturers must register covered devices to be sold in Pennsylvania, set up plans to collect and recycle devices, and report total weight of devices sold and recycled each year. DEP will assess manufacturers’ plans, post a list of approved manufacturers and retailers on its website, and disseminate a list of collection sites for consumers.

Potter County Today is a timely information site courtesy of the Potter County Commissioners. Reprinted with Permission.

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