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New President of Coudersport Volunteer Ambulance Association Writes

2 min read

From the President of Coudersport Volunteer Ambulance Association:

Greetings and Happy New Years to all! I’m very proud to be a part of Coudersport Volunteer Ambulance Association (CVAA). Our organization plays a vital role in our community. I believe that with everyone’s help and support, CVAA will continue to provide the highest possible Emergency Medical Service care to our community. We have a sound service thanks to all of those who came before me. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the outgoing officers and board members for the hard work and dedication they’ve given to CVAA. The following is a list of names and the post each held: James Steiner, president; Todd Schoonover, treasurer; and Karen Dubots, secretary.

I believe our mission is to serve our community in the best possible way that we can. We have several issues we need to address to accomplish this mission: (1) recruiting much needed volunteers, (2) providing adequate staffing, (3) availability for transfers to specialty hospitals, and (4) the “business” of EMS. I wish I could say that we did not have to deal with the business side of EMS; however, for CVAA to accomplish its mission of serving the community to the best of its capabilities, we must function successfully as a business. Already, the organization is looking at adjusting its Advance Life Support (Medic 6) rates and we are exploring opportunities for fundraising. Also, CVAA will be working on partnerships in our communities and pursuing grants that may be available.

I invite all members and future members to help our new Board of Directors in making CVAA the best EMS organization possible. I welcome anyone’s suggestions. The next membership meeting will be held February 14, 2012 at 6:30 with a Valentine’s Day Dessert Swap. Bring your favorite sweets to share and join us.

New board members are as follows: Robert Cross, president; Kevin Burrier, vice-president; Michele Mather, secretary; Karen Dubots, treasurer; and members at large Janine Burrier and Kelley Beck. Again, the organization is here to serve the community it’s a part of and I wish to thank all of those in our community who volunteer their time and skills to help CVAA accomplish its mission of service and care.


Robert L. Cross, President
Board of Directors
Coudersport Volunteer Ambulance Association

1 thought on “New President of Coudersport Volunteer Ambulance Association Writes

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    Thank you,
    Ms. Millicent JD Parker
    Manager Contract Negotiations
    First Health Network Development
    Phone: (224) 476-8191
    Mobile: (214) 298-9530

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