Reminder to SMS Subscribers
2 min readSince we once again have several unconfirmed users in our SMS subscription database, I wanted to take this time to remind users how the signing-up process works.
You must confirm you cell phone number before you will receive breaking news/dispatch text messages on your cell phone.
We have incorporated this measure into the subscription process to prevent people from signing up phone numbers that do not belong to them.
After you enter your contact details into the subscription form, a unique code will be sent to your cell phone. Simply enter that code into the subscription form that popped up after you entered your contact details to confirm your subscription.
If for any reason you have troubles with the signing-up process, simply email me at, and I’ll assist you.
Also noteworthy: I am planning on further expanding the SMS feature so that users may choose categories to receive text messages for. Currently we only provide dispatches for Potter County and major Breaking News, so as to not spam your cell phone with unwanted text messages. In order to add this functionality however, will require a major rewrite of the .php script we use to send the SMS messages, and so is still a feature that will be a few weeks at least away. However, once this feature is implemented, we will be sending many more dispatches out to users, including dispatches for McKean, Cameron, Tioga, and in some cases Allegany and other counties.
I hope you have found our SMS feature to be useful. As always, we welcome any suggestions, comments, or input. Simply email us at