Thu. Mar 27th, 2025

Coudy News

Late Breaking News for Coudersport and Northcentral PA

TCB Sending Notices On Overdue Real Estate Taxes

2 min read

From Potter County Today

propertytaxPotter County Tax Claim Bureau has been mailing return and claim notices to property owners who have failed to pay their 2011 real estate taxes. Taxpayers are encouraged to accept receipt of these notices, which are being sent by certified mail. Any that are returned to the Tax Claim Bureau (TCB) unsigned not only result in the TCB staff having to physically post the affected property, under state law they also result in additional costs and fees for the property owner.

On a separate note, the TCB is preparing for the annual “upset sale,” which is an auction to sell those properties on which taxes for 2010 or earlier have not been paid. Some important dates are in place for affected property owners who still owe on taxes from 2010 or earlier:

  • June 29, last day to pay before sale costs are added;
  • July 13, last day to pay to avoid having name, property description and amount owed publicly advertised;
  • Aug. 1, public advertisement as described above;
  • Sept. 7, last day to pay before affected property is prepared for sale by public auction;
  • Sept. 10, upset sale by TCB, 10 am, Gunzburger Building auditorium.

TCB has implemented a series of changes to make things easier for those who have fallen behind on their taxes, including a monthly installment option (owner-occupied properties only) and a credit card payment system. Those payments are accepted online only, through the county’s website at Click on Departments/Tax Claim.  The credit card payment option can only be used for overdue taxes (2011 and earlier). Tax Claim Bureau office is located in Suite 111 of the Gunzburger Building, 1 North Main Street, Coudersport PA 16915; telephone (814) 274-0488, Option 1.

Potter County Today is a timely information site courtesy of the Potter County Commissioners. Reprinted with Permission.

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