The Map is Back! Sneak Peek at Coudersport Town-wide Yard Sale
3 min readWe’ve brought the bubble map back for this year’s Coudersport Town-wide Yard Sale, scheduled for Saturday, September 3.
The map is a work in progress. New addresses and information on sale items will be updated daily.
Click here to view the map in fullscreen.
Here is a sneak peek of the first 40 yard sales for this years town wide yard sale.Please find your name and make sure your information is correct. If you would like to add anything to your listing email to had your name added to the map!
Enjoy mapping out your day of fun and good deals!
1. Lugene Heimel- 407 Mill St.-Hunting bow and practice arrows, new computer keyboards, Bi-Centennial plates (1776-1976), set of 3 Fenton milk glass in original boxes, small white TV and other electronics, chair cushions, many kitchen items, fancy lace curtains, male clothing XL tall, Female clothing-size 8, men’s dress shoes and sneakers size 11, lots and lots of good books, Walkie Talkies and so many more good items!!
2. Lori Lehman- 414 Park Avenue- multi family- mens and womens clothes, sizes med to 3 x, automotive parts, violets, and odds and ends
3. Donna Foust- 506 South West Street- multi family- housewares, furniture, bedding, adult & chilren’s clothing, toys, a Gazelle elliptical machine and lots of misc items.
4. Anne Parkinson- 104 West 6th Street- lots of children’s clothes boys sizes 2 to 5 and girls clothes sizes from 8 to 14, house hold items, nic naks, a charcoal grill, toys for younger children, candles and other random things.
5. Langan/Ludwig- 7 Buffalo Street- multi family
6. Miller- 306 East Oak Street
7. Woodard- 606 Dwight Street- multi family
8. Amy Furman- Woodlawn Avenue- girls clothing size 12, boys clothing size 6, some adult clothing, gel fuel burning fireplace, Fisher Price Geo Trax train set, toys, books, odds and ends-Friday and Saturday sale
9. Cathy Goodnoe- Cartee Street
10. Verna Sevinsky- 365 Rt. 6 West- multi family
11. Larry Royer- Sweden Valley storage garage
12. Lori Mitchell/Ed Bez- 10 Avenue B Rubber Town
13. Kim Rouse- 410 Dwight Street
14. Palmatier- 777 North Main Street- multi family
15. Hotel Crittenden- Main Street- multi family
16. Kati Dewe- 606 Dwight Street- multi family
17. Lillie Cole- 3 Avenue B Rubber Town
18. Coudersport Public Library- 502 Park Avenue
19. Quilter’s Heaven- 709 North Main Street
20. Pam Sprouse- 801 South Main Street- multi family
21. John Peet- 401 North West Street- multi family
22. Terri Metzger- 306 South East St.- multi family
23 Julie Watson- 301 Alleghany Avenue
24. Leeanne Bertrand- 108 Borie Street – Household and collectibles, antique washtub and antique metal twin bed frames, Diesel truck and tractor filters / miscellaneous parts
25. Doris Robison- 3 Reese Hollow Road- multi family
26. St. Paul’s Lutheran Church- corner of Borie and Alleghany- multi family-having a yard sale, bake sale and lunch!
27. Susan Freeman- 707 North Main, State Farm building- multi family
28. Christina Furister- 83 Cherry Tree Lane
29. Abundant Blessings Gift Shop-Main Street
30. Klimek- 205 Borie Street
31. Coudy Little League Purple Team- Courthouse Square-Multi Family- lots of kid stuff, toys, clothes, baby stuff, household and athletic stuff as well
32. Klesa Family- Courthouse Square
33. Troupe Family-Courthouse Square
34. Marlene Ottolini- 305 Oak Street
35. Nancy Wojciechowicz- Courthouse Square
36. Miller Family-Courthouse Square
37. Tim Glassmire- 307 South West Street- Multi Family
38. Paul Bradford- 345 Sunrise Ridge Road
39. Mary Contant- 508 East Oak Street- household, baby items/furniture and family clothing
40. Goodwin/Reese- 337 Route 6 West
Great work! This should be a terrific event!
Had so much fun several years ago when I came up for Labor Day weekend, and surprise, surprise.. there was a town wide garage sale. So glad there will be one again this year when we come up!