Upcoming Courses Offered by Potter County Education Council
4 min read
East Stroudsburg to Offer Act 48 Courses in Coudersport This June
Theory and Practice of Schools Without Failure I (Excellence in Teaching) offers participants an opportunity to investigate the effects of school success and failure on the life of a child. Study of these concepts will be taken from the points of view of William Glasser, M.D., in his books Schools Without Failure, Identity Society, and Reality Therapy. This course is scheduled for Monday through Friday, June 11 through June 15, 2013. Registration deadline is June 4, 2012.
Course is being taught by popular instructor, Joe Martin. To register, or for more information, contact Jennifer Serowick at (570) 422-2872.
CCNA Cisco Certificate Program
This 39-hour course will help prepare you for the Cisco Certified Network Administrator exam. Key topics covered include: networking basics, Ethernet networking, data encapsulation, TCP/IP, Subnetting, subnet masks, summarization, Cisco Internetworking Operating System, network management, IP routing, enhanced IGRP, Open Shortest Path First, Layer 2 switching and spanning tree protocol, Virtual LANs, Security, network address translation, wireless technologies, IP version 6, and Wide Area Networks.
This course is being held Monday through Friday, June 18 through 22, 2012 from 8 a.m. to
4 p.m. at PCEC’s Port Allegany location. The cost is $649 per participant. This course is on the statewide providers list, so if you meet eligibility requirements, contact your local CareerLink. The registration deadline is June 6, 2012. For more information or to register, call
(814) 545-1333 or go to www.pottercountyedcouncil.org.
Floor Hand
This course will help prepare students for careers working as floor hands in the natural gas industry. This program is a combination of classroom and hands-on training. Topics include: Natural Gas Employability Skills, Natural Gas 101, Rig Components & Electrical Systems, Hydraulics, Pressures & Forces, Basic Rigging, Well Production, Basic Well Control, Spill Prevention & Reporting, Fall Protection, Safe Land USA, Basic First Aid/CPR, Defensive Driving, Aerial Work Platform, and Rough Terrain Forklift.
This course is being held Monday through Friday, June 18 through July 13, 2012 (excluding the week of July 2) from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at PCEC’s Port Allegany location. Tuition is free but participants are responsible for pre-admissions clearances, physical, and drug testing and must register with ShaleNET and with their local CareerLink.
How to Manage Workplace Conflict
This course is designed to teach supervisors, employees, managers and co-workers how to effectively deal with workplace conflict. You will be provided with an overview of conflict and will talk about the symptoms, types and causes of conflict. You will learn about supportive work environments, guidelines for conduct in the workplace, the six parts of the conflict structure and how to deal with emotional behavior. Instructor, Robert K. Bitting, Ph.D., will lead you through a series of situations, cases and exercises to learn how to actively manage workplace conflict.
This seminar is being held Friday, June 1, 2012 from 8 a.m. to 12 noon at the Coudersport office of the Potter County Education Council. The cost is $149 per participant and includes all materials, continental breakfast and snacks. To register call UPB at (800) 872-1787.
The purpose of this summer program is to introduce regional youth (grades 5-9) to the many technical job opportunities we have in the region, to educate their parents about these opportunities and local education providers addressing these needs, and to start developing leadership, interpersonal and soft skills in our youth. This will be a hands-on learning opportunity for regional youth to visit the Career and Technical Center (CTC), explore the technical career opportunities that exist in the region, and to participate in activities utilizing the equipment and resources available at the CTC. During this 2-day session, students will participate in a leadership skills/interpersonal skills development activity, tour the facility, learn about career opportunities the CTC can help prepare them for, and ultimately work on hands-on projects in 4 of the labs at the CTC. Hands-on activities may include: changing the oil in a car, laser engraving a wood product, building a small piece of furniture, developing a web site, designing a newsletter, building a basic computer network, installing memory to a computer, building a network cable, baking or cooking in the culinary arts kitchen, or any number of other activities. These activities will be based on the student’s age level to ensure safety and success.
This course is being offered free of charge. The June 11 & 12, 2012 session is for students entering grades 5 & 6. The June 13 & 14, 2012 session is for students entering grades 7 – 9. The course will run from 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. daily at the Seneca Highlands CTC. Maximum enrollment for each session is 20 participants. For more information or to register, call
(814) 545-1333 or email Candi Hand at candih@pottercountyedcouncil.org .
Understanding Stroke & Its Prevention
Stroke is the third leading cause of death and disability in Pennsylvania. In this workshop, you will learn the difference between stroke and heart disease and identify risk factors and prevention methods. We will discuss the impacts of stroke and how family, friends and relatives can help stroke victims recuperate. Types of strokes, causes, signs, symptoms, and treatments of strokes will be covered as well. We will focus on risk factor modifications for the prevention of stroke. We will also use and analyze data to identify the impact of stroke at the local, state and national levels. Nursing, health educator (CHES) and social worker continuing education credits pending. This workshop is held in partnership with Pitt-Bradford’s Center for Rural Health Practice.
This seminar is being held Tuesday, June 19, 2012 from 1 to 4 p.m. at the Coudersport office of the Potter County Education Council. The cost is $32 per participant. To register call UPB at (800) 872-1787.